Just to let you know, I did remember what it was I was going to blog about...I just haven't had a chance to type it! I've got several things swirling around in my head, so hopefully this week I'll get to blog them all.
I do want to go ahead and share one quick thing before I have to go fix lunch. (This will probably be expanded into a full-fledged devotional, but this at least gets it started!) Yesterday as we were on our way to MDO we were listening to our music and the VeggieTales version of "Seek Ye First" started playing. God gave me that little nudge that said, "So, are you seeking solutions to your problems and answers to your questions, or are you seeking My kingdom and its righteousness and then trusting that all these other things will be taken care of?" Don't you wish God would just be direct now and then!! I mean, wouldn't it be nice if He would give us our little reminders in black and white - you know, maybe in a guidebook or something? :-) This morning He added a little more, and that will go into the longer version when I get it typed. The part about this morning that I wanted to share was this: I was SOOOO sleepy this morning. I mean really sleepy. I gave the girls an early school break and stretched out on the couch before 9:00! Maybe it was catching up from the weekend, maybe it was the Zyrtec I took last night - who knows. All I know is that having a quiet time at 5:40 this morning was a real stretch. I was dozing more than I was awake! I couldn't focus on words enough to truly read. So, our amazing, incredible, precious, marvelous Father spoke to me through my dozing. He brought yesterday's song and several other related verses - all ones I'd committed to memory - back to my mind and used them to speak to me in all my fogginess. I didn't even have to read! I didn't even really have to be fully awake. He still nudged my heart and planted gentle reminders. What an awesome God we serve! Thank You, Lord!
Hopefully you could make sense of that rambling, but if not, hopefully a slightly more coherent form of blogging will return several times this week!
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