(Written Jan 26, 2007)
My children seem to bring out the best and worst in me. There are days when I feel like I’m getting on to my daughters constantly. They seem to disobey or make wrong choices in neat succession throughout the day, and my patience and tolerance wears thinner and thinner. Naturally, being the good disciplinary mother that I am, I want to make sure the punishment befits the crime. So, I take Bunny from five-year-old Olivia. And just to make sure she remembers that his time-out is a punishment and not just her choosing not to play with him for a time, I put him in an obvious place where she sees him and the joy of her playing is diminished. Surely if I keep the punishment before her and make it as unenjoyable as possible, she’ll learn, right?
This morning I read Deuteronomy 2:7. “The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast desert. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.” The first part of this verse is not unusual. The Lord always talked about being with His children the Israelites. But, the kicker is in the second part referring to “these forty years.” The forty years marked a period of punishment. The Lord had sent the Israelites back into the desert after they disobeyed Him and did not move in to take the Promised Land. He was angry with them, and was none too happy with their choice. So, He sent them back into the desert to wander aimlessly until all those who made the decision to not take the Promised Land had died. Even during this time of punishment, though, He blessed them. He made them prosper. He allowed them to grow and see His hand of mercy and provision. He met their every need. He strengthened their numbers.
Thank you, Lord, that You are a merciful disciplinarian. Thank you for using all things for my good, even the discipline and punishment! May I learn to do the same with my own children. Please grant me the wisdom to parent such that I bless my children in all things that they may be pointed to and learn of You through me.
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