We've been going back and listening to some music we hadn't heard in a while, and, music being so powerful to me, one song in particular has been standing out to me. It's a song that first impacted me during my sophomore year of college.
The song is called "No Doubt", and the lyrics almost explain themselves - you can probably figure out what God's saying to me just by reading through the lyrics! I heard it again yesterday on my way to work, and I was reminded again that I simply need to trust Him. Period. Those thought attack us - not the thought that He's not going to take care of us, but the thought that He's going to give us just what we need to get by. It's going to be a constant struggle and never really the true desire of our hearts. The thought is so untrue, but it's so much easier to see that after we've come through on the other side. Right now it's easier to say, "Yep, God's going to provide the financial income we need. But, either I'm going to have to get a job or Doug's going to have to find a second part-time job where he works all night and only sees the kids a little while in the mornings. He'll never let us miss a bill or meal, but it's not going to be fun!" Maybe it won't be "fun," but He's not going to punish us for stepping out in obedience. He's not going to do something that would hurt us. He's going to keep us right in the center of His will, and it's a good plan that He has for us. So, right now, Doug and I are just working to hang on to joy and have "no doubt!" Thankfully, He's right along beside us, helping us do just that!
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