Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So Much on My Mind

There are so many things I've been itching to write about lately, and I just haven't sat down to do it! Doug and I have been hitting that snooze button once or twice in the mornings, and then Steven has been waking up much earlier than he should, so my precious morning time has been cut short. But, I'm still determined to get my thoughts typed out. I do have little tidbits jotted down here and there, and I'm going to type them! Here's a start...

The kids just recently finished a unit on space, which they absolutely loved. Toward the end of our study, we read about galaxies. Now, I've known all of this information for a long time, but it still blew my mind all over again - the vastness of the universe. Wow!

Saturday night, Doug and I just spent some time praying for some urgent requests and really seeking to listen to the Lord. I felt a bit frustrated and discouraged during my time with the Lord because I felt He was silent. I heard nothing, and I kept wondering if there was something wrong with me. I poured my heart out to Him over the prayer requests and just asked Him to show me where I needed to surrender to Him. Silence. So, when it was time for Doug and I to come together and share what we'd gleaned from private times, I had nothing.

Doug said nothing, but grabbed my shawl, wrapped it around me, and led me outside. He then began giving me a lesson on the constellations. I must confess I felt a bit agitated - not with him, but just in general. But I knew he was making a point, so I just listened and waited. Sure enough, after pointing out the North Star and Orion and giving a brief description of each and its location, he picked up his Bible which was already open to Job. I won't repeat what God showed him because you can read his summary for yourself on his blog, but I was suddenly once again blown away by the immensity of the universe and our God.

It didn't all hit me until the next morning, though, as I was trying to focus on praising Him. He brought back to my mind the vastness of the universe. The last little study on galaxies is what really brought it into perspective. Our solar system is a little one on the edge of the Milky Way, a galazy that measures 80,000 light years from side to side. The next nearest galaxy is 160,000 light years away, and there are millions of galaxies through the universe. Yet God simply spoke and there it all was. All of that vastness was caused by a spoken Word from our amazing Creator. Wow! And I struggle with trusting Him sometimes...wow!

That Creator loves me - personally. I am His child! It doesn't matter how much power He has (which is obviously a lot!), He still loves me and has already given His all to ensure that I can spend eternity with Him. How humbling! What a blessing that all I have to do is go out and look at the stars to be reminded of that. Hmm...think maybe He intended it that way?

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