(Written March 19, 2008)
When I first started putting my journal on the computer, I created a folder to hold all of my entries and I named it “From the Mouths of Babes.” The inspiration for this journal came from the idea that we learn so much from our children about how God relates to us. I guess maybe He knew what He was talking about when He called Himself our Father! Imagine that!
There have been so many times when my children have done something that is absolutely beautiful that I simply delight in, and the Lord whispers to my heart, “I delight in you more than you can even begin to fathom delighting in your children!” Other times, my children are struggling with something and I long to just step in and take care of things for them, but I know that they must complete the task themselves in order to truly learn. I know their frustration because there are many times when the Lord allows me to struggle through a task as well to make me more like Him! Other times when my children disobey, I find myself saying those all-too-common phrases such as, “How many times do I have to tell you?” and “Will you never learn?” And, of course, there’s the, “You just have to trust me – I know what’s best for you, and I will take care of it at the right time!” Yep, I do say that to my children – sound familiar?
I’m not the only one who hears the Lord’s voice when interacting with my children. In the past week alone at least three dear friends have shared times when they were having “discussions” with one of their children and the Lord gave them that little nudge as if to say, “Hmmmm – sound familiar?” I know there are many reasons the Lord has given us children, but I think one of the biggest reasons is to teach us the lessons of being His children. After all, Jesus Himself did tell us that unless we come like little children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God (see Matthew 18).
This morning the lesson was through my son Steven. Steven is a mama’s boy – a BIG mama’s boy. He does not like people outside his own family, and there are many days when nothing will satisfy him other than being in my arms. It’s not enough to be in the same room or even sitting beside me. He has to be on top of me, literally feeling me as close to him as possible. (Hmm…I think his love language might be touch!) I don’t even have to be interacting with him (although he does delight in saying, “Mommy! Mommy!” and then stringing along a whole line of toddler words that I can only occasionally understand), I just have to be holding him.
This morning he was in a moment where he didn’t necessarily have to be held. We’d snuggled a lot earlier, and he was content to be near me for the time being. I was in the kitchen making Doug’s lunch and mixing up some orange juice for breakfast, and Steven was playing on the floor with a bouncy ball. As the ball rolled on out of the kitchen, Steven followed it and eventually found himself in the back bedrooms. He must have suddenly realized that Mommy was nowhere near because he began crying and calling for me. My response was to remind him that I hadn’t moved. I was still in the same spot at the kitchen counter, trying to dissolve the lumps of frozen orange juice concentrate. After a good deal of fussing, he came back to me and settled into playing once again.
Now, to be honest, sometimes I do move. Sometimes Steven leaves me in one spot, and as he gets involved in play, I see the chance to move around and get a few things accomplished. When that happens, he can get pretty upset when he returns to find me gone. Unlike Steven’s Mom, though, our heavenly Father never moves! Just like Steven, we wander here and there, caught up in a task here or play there. It’s not always a bad thing – sometimes we’re right where we’re supposed to be, caught up in just the task we’re to be caught up in. Other times we do stray from where we belong and get in trouble. Either way, when we are willing to look up and call for our Father, He’s right where He’s always been. The awesome part of it, though, is that we don’t have to return to Him. See, when Steven wanders away, he has to follow the sound of my voice and come back to where he knows he left me. But, when we get involved in our tasks, for good or for bad, God’s location is still right beside us. If we are His children, His Spirit is continually dwelling within our hearts. We don’t have to travel anywhere – His spot is here! When we look up, whether it’s from our obedience or our disobedience, and begin to call to our Father, His voice is never far. We never have to search hard. He’s already searched us out, and His presence always remains right with us.
Look up, my friend. Look up regularly. While you are in your task, look up. If you have strayed, look up. Call His Name. He’s right there. He never has left you, and He can always be found. Just look up.
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