Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fears and Desires

I have no idea how many times in Scripture we are told to not be afraid. I know it’s a lot, and it’s especially commanded in the presence of the Lord. But, a simple little verse in Proverbs that I read today seems to bring that concept home in an even more powerful way.

The verse is Proverbs 10:24, and it reads, “What the wicked fears will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted.”

It’s almost as if the wicked have no true desires, and even if they do, they will not be realized. By the same token, the fears of the righteous come to nothing but the desires will be granted.
It’s easy when things are uncertain to have fears, and we all know we are supposed to trust and not fear. We all know we’re supposed to have faith and rest in the fact that God knows. That’s stated so many times in Scripture that there is no way to get around it! There is no excuse for fear or worry. Even in moments where fear is the natural response – moments in the presence of an imposing heavenly revelation – the Lord always reassures His own to not be afraid! Think of the times the Lord revealed His power and presence to the wicked. It ended up in death and destruction for them, but always victory to His own. The victory even came in times when His children weren’t the most obedient of children!

God’s promise to fulfill the desires of the righteous is so much more than our idea of trusting Him simply because He knows best. It’s so much more than the idea that even if it’s not what we truly wanted, it’s still for the best. This is the realization that our amazing God loves us and wants nothing short of perfection for us! He promises us eternity with Him – what can be more incredible than that? But, even more, he promises us peace and joy here on earth, not as the world gives but as only He can give. It’s the understanding that the reason He wants our hearts to come in line with His is because doing so will bring our desires in line with His.

Right now I have a lot of desires. I want my house to sell. I want the perfect place to live in Monticello, AR (yes, I have specific housing desires!). I want to have all of our financial uncertainties solved today. I want things for my family and my friends. But, today my desire is, above all, to please my Lord. I want to put a smile on His face. I want to live my day in such a way that shows Him my love. Lord, please fulfill my desire!

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