Friday, June 27, 2008


While I wait for Adobe to check for red eye in all of my downloaded pictures so I can put a new post on Hibbard Five, I figured I'd share the thoughts that are tumbling around in my head right now!

Yesterday the incredible ladies at MDO threw a joint party for me and another lady - it was a combination baby shower and going away party. Since we've always used any excuse for a party at MDO, I knew my fellow office staff would give me a sweet send-off. But, I didn't expect what they did. They called on all of the employees at MDO to write notes of encouragement to put in a scrapbook for me! The teachers also contributed to a collection which amounted to an incredible $200! Needless to say, I was floored, speechless, and in tears over the show of love and encouragement. I finally got up the courage to read all of the notes this morning while I was taking a packing break. Those notes touched me greatly, but they also made me think.

Several of the teachers referred to specific times when I had said or done something that impacted them. One referred to playgound time when we'd be talking about difficulties and discouragements. I feel like I gripe a lot, but this lady shared with me how she was always encouraged because I'd have words on the opposite end of the spectrum - words of encouragement and joy instead of frustration and griping! I don't remember that at all, but she sure did! Another lady expressed how some words of counseling, discipleship, and testimony of God's work in my life affected her. The funny thing about that is that I wasn't even talking to this lady - she was just hearing a conversation with her partner!

I guess what it all boils down to is that we have no idea how little words, comments, and actions affect other people - we don't even always know they're privy to the conversations and activities! I know I've heard over and over again that people are watching and listening, and we've got to be careful what we say and do, but I think these notes really drove that home. People remember things we can't dredge up no matter how hard we try.

These ladies only shared the sweet things with me - I'm sure there were many instances where they were none too pleased with me, and they probably remember those times pretty well, too! But, despite those things, they still had so many nice words and beautiful memories, and they wanted me to know those things. Those are the thoughts they want me to remember as I leave them. I will cherish this scrapbook always, and I will cherish the realization that God truly is using me in ways I can't see - sometimes in ways I won't see this side of heaven. More than that, though, I want to actively seek to be a blessing in all things - even when I don't think anyone's watching!

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