Saturday, August 16, 2008

Little Things

Sometimes I think some of the things I pray for are selfish, but then God answers those little prayers and I just can't help but think that it's His confirmation that He loves to bless us in those little areas of life. I'm reminded of how much I love to give little treats to my kids just to see the joy on their faces when they receive them. I think that's how God must feel sometimes. It's like the gift of the tent to the kids from our friend at church, and how that filled a desire my kids had. God just does little things like that all the time!

But the example I really want to share is from last weekend. My little Steven LOVES to be outside. He'd live outside if we'd let him. Because of the 100+ degree temperatures, it had been a while since we'd really been able to enjoy some time outside. The other side of the story is that his birthday was coming up. One thing I have done since Olivia's first birthday has been to make birthday pictures of each child every birthday. We started out having them professionally done, but we've actually learned that we can have much more flexibility and fun if I do them myself. When they are old enough, the kids can even choose their location, something that has delighted the girls to no end.

With Steven, though, this led to a problem. I have a lot of trouble getting posed pictures of him. He just doesn't sit still long enough! So, I really wanted to be able to do outdoor pictures - I figured that was the best way to get good pictures of him that would best suit the "birthday portrait" idea. Unfortunately, every day seemed hotter than the one before, and the forecast showed the trend continuing. So, I prayed. I asked the Lord for one cool day before Steven's birthday. Just one day to get outside somewhere and get pictures. For a while it seemed that it wasn't coming, but then the forecast began to change! We could hardly believe it, but suddenly the forecast was calling for highs in the 80's! Sure enough, the day before Steven's birthday was GORGEOUS!!! We had a marvelous time playing in the yard and getting those birthday pictures.

Sometimes I have to ask, "Lord, why do You answer little requests like a child's desire for a tent in her room or a prayer for a cool day for something insignificant like birthday pictures while prayers prayed for years for the 'big' things of life seem to never be answered?" But, He reminds me that little things like a cool day in the middle of August in the south remind us that God loves us immensely. That should give us comfort to remind us that everything God does for us comes from a heart of love, no matter how big or small the request. If He's going to put the effort into giving me a cool day in the middle of August so I can take pictures of my sweet two-year old, then I can be sure He loves me enough to take care of the big things that come along that seem so much more desperate. What an amazing Father we have!

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