Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Tearful Break

For some reason, today has been emotional for me. God is really doing a work in me, and it can be overwhelming at times. I watched the movie Fireproof for the first time yesterday, and it spawned some emotions. I know too many people whose marriages are in a very tough spot, and I know what God can do for them, but so few people - even Christians - truly believe God can do that type of miraculous work. I'm missing old friends today, friends that have a very, very, very special place in my heart. I'm hearing songs that are greatly touching me. Overall, through all of these disjointed things, I'm just a bit emotional.

While I'm emotional, I'm also energetic today. Moreso than I've been in a while. I intended this morning to go to church and join in the work day there, but all three of my kids woke up with signs that they didn't feel well, and my sweet son has been quite needy for much of the morning. So, I've been redirecting my energy toward working around the house. I've been more successful in housecleaning in the last couple of hours than I've been in the last couple of weeks! It's still not a tremendous amount of progress but it's progress nonetheless.

The reason it hasn't been a tremendous amount of progress is because of those needy kids. Each time a need comes up, I have to take a break. Well, just a moment ago was one of those breaks. Steven came running up the hall crying, "Mommy, Mommy!" I asked him what was wrong, and he just said, "I hurt!" I gave him a huge hug, kissed where it hurt, and loved on him for a minute. Then he looked at me and said, with a few tears still in his eyes, "Mommy do work now." It wasn't a bossiness or anything like that. He'd just gotten exactly what he needed, and he was telling me that he was okay for the time being. Did the hurt go away? No, it was still there. But, a little comfort from Mommy was all he needed to make it seem better.

I just love it when God reminds us of who HE is through our babies. Steven is still wrapped in that childish innocence that knows the pain doesn't go away, but a Mommy hug really does make it feel so much better! It gives him the ability to go on even with a little boo-boo because he knows that Mommy is right there to love on him whenever he needs it. Our Father is the same way. When we hurt He doesn't take the hurt away. It's either been introduced because we refuse to obey or it's been allowed because we have to live with the fact that sin introduced pain in our world. But, he knows He can turn it into something beautiful and grow us through it. Either way, He just loves on us through it all. And, strangely enough, He told us to come to Him like little children. We, too, are asked to come and be comforted through the hugs and comforts of our Father, even if the pain is still there! We go on through our lives and carry on through the challenges and opportunities of the day, trusting that comfort is only a cry away as soon as we need it!

Another thought came to my mind through all of this. Yes, He is ready to wrap us in His arms any time day or night. But, the most awesome thing is that He doesn't have to stop His work to do it! He doesn't take a break from His work to love on us - He loves on us in the midst of it. I am trying to make sure that our house is a safe, clean, and healthy place for my family, but I can't snuggle and work at the same time. God, on the other hand, is working to guide Doug and I through times of growth, heal the marriages of some good friends, meet needs that we may or may not know exist, heal illnesses, heal relationships and on and on. But, even while He's doing all of that work, He is comforting the broken-hearted. He is speaking words of peace to hearts of turmoil. He's giving "hugs and kisses" to those in need of a touch. He's whispering the greatest Story ever told to brand new children sitting in His lap. All while continuing to work on our behalf. Oh how I love my God! And oh how He loves me and you.

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