We still have two kittens from our cat's litter of seven. One of them is staying - we claimed her almost from birth as one of our favorites. The other one is still awaiting a new home - and we're still praying one will find her! But, since they are still together, they are enjoying their first Christmas in one another's company.
Our decorations have been up for five days. It is an amazing playground of exciting shininess for two young kittens who are very full of life and playfulness! The biggest issue has been the tree. A family of Christmas stuffies resting beneath the tree has made for a fabulous location for hide-and-seek and chase, games which threaten the verticality of the deorated tree. Dangling ornaments are an ever-present temptation for playful kittens who can't resist a new toy. Flashing lights provide a constant reminder that the tree is a present and ready playground to explore.
From day one, we have instituted the use of the water bottle as a deterrent from the temptations of the tree, just as we've had to use it to keep the playful little monster puddies out of the kitchen and off counters, bookshelves, desks, and tables. The thing that has amazed me is that repeated squirtings seem to be only a momentary discouragement from indulging in the temptations of the Hibbard household, whether it be the kitchen, the bookshelves and tables, or the Christmas tree. Sometimes bare minutes after the most recent squirt, one kitten or the other is right back in the forbidden location, indulging in the forbidden activity.
Up until this morning it's just been a nuisance. We've rehung numerous ornaments, expended half of the large squirt bottle in disciplinary use, and actually relocated the family of stuffies from under the tree to the hearth to reduce some of the temptation of the tree. This morning, however, a new thought occurred to me as I squirted one of the kittens for the umpteenth time in a one-hour span! This new thought was how much like these kittens I am.
God has given me instructions. Pretty much it's summed up in "do not sin," but He also gives specifics. Don't worry about anything. Tithe. Fellowship with other believers. Love one another. Be patient. The list could go on and on. But, He also grants a promise. If I choose to pray with thanksgiving instead of worrying, He grants me a peace and takes care of everything beautifully. If I tithe, He makes sure that I always have everything I need. If I fellowship with other believers, He gives me the encouragement and examples I need to grow closer to Himself. If I love, I see lives changed - mine and others'. If I am patient, I see better results than if I fly off the handle and become agitated.
Unfortunately, I continue to choose not to obey. As a result, I get the water bottle! I am thoroughly drenched in the cares of this world and the pressures of living a sinful existence. I step away to safety long enough to begin to dry, but then I fall back into the same patterns of disobedience and find myself drenched once again. Instead of choosing the pleasures that God has before me, I constantly reach for the forbidden.
With the kittens, we are pretty selfish. We simply want the kittens to refrain from destroying our Christmas decorations and creating the constant work of redecorating the tree or rearranging the stuffies. God is not that way with us, though. Our Savior greatly desires that we have the most amazing life we can have here in these temporary bodies. He wants us to experience the fullness of His Spirit and a relationship with Him, even as we struggle against the restraints of this world. When He gives us an instruction, it is because He desires for us to live an incredible and beautiful life. He doesn't simply allow us to be drenched when we refuse to obey - He also allows us to discover the incredible blessings that flow when we choose to obey.
For the moment in my home all is at peace - the kittens are sleeping, the children are doing chores, and I am sitting here quietly tapping out my thoughts. I'm sure many more times throughout this day I will be forced to hunt for the water bottle to discourage the removal of yet another ornament. But, each time I squirt, I will be reminded that God's great water bottle is trying to direct me away from a defeated life and into a life of amazing growth, blessing, and love if I will simply follow His direction.
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