Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kiss Me Again by Barbara Wilson

(Please take note that this book, and therefore the review, deal with adult issues. All are presented from a godly and biblical perspective.)

Marital health has been a passion of mine since long before I was ever married. When reading the description of Barbara Wilson's Kiss Me Again, I felt that, at the very least, this book might grant me some insight into ministering to women who are struggling with intimacy in their marriage.

The first thing I noticed about the book was that it is not your average how-to book about drawing closer to your spouse. It is, instead, a book about sexual healing in a marriage that has been affected by any form of sexual encounters outside of the marriage. This includes both consensual and non-consensual sexual encounters.

The second thing I noticed was that this was not your average how-to self-help, self-contained healing book. Barbara Wilson in no way claims that if you read her book you will find all the tools you need for complete healing from your sexual past . She frequently references other sources of help, with the Bible itself topping her list in many instances. She also encourages professional counseling, accountability partners, and church support and she references other books and helpful resources. I found that perspective highly refreshing.

Thirdly, I found this book to be very practical. Many books of this type spend the first four or five chapters simply laying a background and leaving the reader wondering if practical help will ever come. Although the actual exercises are not introduced until chapter five, chapters one through four step right into information that contributes directly to the journey of healing. They are very practical and explanatory chapters, and they lead the reader to begin to make progress in understanding and healing before the actual “steps” are even begun.

I personally entered my marriage without any of the sexual baggage this book deals with. Despite this fact, there are many sexually-related growth areas in even a healthy marriage like mine that would be helped greatly by some of this information. IfI had not agreed to review this book, however, I highly doubt I would have read past the first chapter. The author clearly states early in the book that although some of the material might help women who enter their marriages as virgins, it is not written for them. I feel that this book is beneficial even for Christian women who entered their marriages as virgins, not only for their own marriages, but also for their interaction with friends who need this healing and for the parenting of their daughters. I believe if the first chapter included a warm invitation to those of us who entered our marriages as virgins, many, many more women might benefit from the information found inKiss Me Again.

For more information about this book or how to get it for yourself, click on the cover photo above.

This book was provided to me by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for this review. If you are interested in receiving books for review, click here for more information.


Trish said...

Hi Ann,
I also recently read Kiss Me Again and one other of Barbara's books. I found both of them to be very helpful and encouraging. I question the practice of telling others, spouse, pastor, friend, etc...details of past sexual history, but perhaps this is necessary in order to maintain accountability. Still learning in that area :-)
I enjoyed your refreshing review. We came away with similar thoughts.

God bless you,

The Hibbard Family said...

Thanks for your comments, Trish! I agree that care needs to be taken in regards to who our past is shared with and how much is shared. But, I know from experience with other sins in my own life that disclosure does help with accountability.