Monday, November 30, 2009

Beyond Me by Kathi Macias

Several months ago, I began reading a book entitled Beyond Me by Kathi Macias. It typically does not take me months to read a book I enjoy, but this one did. I had fully intended to read quickly through the book for the purpose of reviewing it, and then come back later to really pore through it, but somehow I just could not bring myself to do so. Each time I tried, I felt as if I was missing so much.

So, I read slowly.

Beyond Me is unlike any of the other books I have read by Kathi Macias. Rather than using humor and light-hearted anecdotes to teach lessons, Kathi digs deeply into familiar stories in Scripture, urging her readers to think intently about the depth of these rich passages.

She does not hold back, nor does she mince words. Instead, she clearly delineates the life we are expected to live – the life laid out so clearly in Scripture from beginning to end. It is not an easy life, nor is it one that comes naturally to our depraved human nature. But, it is still expected.

Every chapter touched a place in my heart, but none so greatly as chapter eight. Chapter eight deals with the balance of abiding in Christ as our sole source of strength while recognizing – and acting upon – our deep need for one another. This is an area of great struggle for me, and Kathi's insights were refreshing, encouraging, and challenging.

Once again, Kathi Macias does not disappoint. A quote by Cecil Murphey can be found on the back cover ofBeyond Me, and I think it summarizes the book perfectly. “No matter where we are on the spiritual pathway, she warmly encourages us to keep moving forward.”

Disclaimer – This book was provided to me by Kathi Macias in exchange for this review.


Kathi Macias said...

Wow, Ann, what a kind and thoughtful review of Beyond Me! Bless you and your readers!!!

The Hibbard Family said...

Thank you, Kathi! I intended to email you the link, but hadn't done it. I'm so glad you saw the review!