I like personal people. You know, people who will treat others with personal consideration no matter who they are or what their position in life. I think that's one thing that attracts me to our state convention's executive director Dr. Emil Turner. He doesn't care if your church is the biggest or the smallest in the state - you are still important, personally, to him. And he makes it a point to show it. My husband loves being a pastor in Arkansas for that very reason.
But, this post isn't about Dr. Turner or about being on church staff in Arkansas.
This post is about a much higher personage who is even more personal.
Recently I read a passage in Isaiah that I just love. Let me share it with you...
The afflicted and needy are seeking water, but there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst; I, the LORD, will answer them Myself, as the God of Israel I will not forsake them. I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land fountains of water. I will put the cedar in the wilderness, the acacia and the myrtle and the olive tree; I will place the juniper in the desert together with the box tree and the cypress, that they may see and recognize, and consider and gain insight as well, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it. Isaiah 41:17-20 (NASB - emphasis mine)
Just in the previous chapter, the greatness of God is greatly emphasized. Isaiah 40:12-17 clearly reminds us that we are pretty small compared to Almighty God!
And yet, this great, mighty, powerful, strong God will answer our need Himself! He doesn't send servants or appoint committees to take care of our basic needs. He takes care of us Himself! In some mega churches, congregation members can't even get in to see their senior pastor, but God answers us personally. Most citizens will never get an audience with the leaders of their land, and if they do, it is rarely personal. But, we have immediate and personal access to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Not only that, but He will go to great lengths to satisfy even the most simple of needs! Look at how dramatically this passage describes Him moving to satisfy the thirst of His people!
It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the truth of this. But, each time I try, I am incredibly stirred by it. I am awed by the fact that God wants to personally interact with me. I am energized by the realization that His power is on my side - not just as one of His many subjects, but as one of His beloved children. Even as I type, tears of joy fall down my cheeks as I am reminded that I belong to a personal God.
And there is nothing I can think of that gives me more delight.
1 comment:
Great words. Thanks for the reminder.
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